Summer in the Bay Area | Fujifilm X100VI


I went to visit my family this summer and didn’t want to take a bunch of camera gear, so naturally I decided to bring my Fujifilm X100VI.

Why this camera?

After doing a bunch of research, I realized I was probably the target customer for this camera. I’m a mom of 2 whose often too busy to edit photos, but still want high quality and beautiful pictures to share with friends and family.

I bought this camera recently when I found it for a decent price on Mercari, selling at almost MSRP. So I had to snatch it to see what all the hype was about.

Keep in mind that I’ve only owned the camera about two months before taking these pictures, most of my previous shots were “practice shots” just trying to learn the cameras buttons and menu, recipes, etc.

The Shots

Here are some of the moments I captured. I’m no expert at Fujifilm cameras or photography, and I’m still deciding if I’ll be keeping this camera or if I’ll continue to use my Sony and iPhone camera. Gentle feedback is always welcome!

The Bay Bridge | X100VI | Slight edits in LR Mobile
Oakland, CA | X100VI | SOOC
The Bay on a Ferry | X100VI | Edited in Lightroom
Oakland, CA | X100VI | Edited in Lightroom
Oakland, CA | X100VI | Edited in Lightroom
Oakland, CA | X100VI | Edited in Lightroom
SOOC (straight out of camera)
On a ferry to SF | X100VI | Lightroom
Oakland, CA | X100VI | SOOC
Oakland, CA | SOOC
Oakland, CA | SOOC


One of my biggest takeaways is that it’s not necessary to shoot raw at all if you’re using these images for sharing purposes. I was shooting in raw + fine and my memory card kept filling up fast. This is another takeaway, I should definitely bring a larger size SD card, or more than one!

I wish I took more pictures while in California using this lovely camera, but I found myself using my iPhone a lot unfortunately. I kept feeling like I couldn’t get the right focus or framing, and I’m not used to the digital crop. I definitely need to practice a bit more. And like I said, I’m still deciding on whether or not to keep this camera or stick to my Sony.


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